Includes all the jigs you need for sharpening your knives, scissors, draw knives and axes as well as short chisel and carving tools.
The jigs are packed in a tray, which works as a storage centre. The tray can either be screwed to your wall or be used as a drawer liner.
HTK-706 Hand Tool Kit includes:
SVM-45 Knife Jig
The Tormek Knife Jig SVM-45 is suitable for sharpening all kinds of knives; household knives, chef’s knives, craft knives and knives for hunting and fishing. You can also sharpen carver’s drawknives.
Since the jig rests freely on the Universal Support you can follow the curve of the blade.The Universal Support is normally placed vertically for knife sharpening towards the edge. Short knives can also be ground away from the edge with the Universal Support placed horizontally.
Min. blade length 60 mm (2 3/8").
SVM-140 Knife Jig
The Tormek Long Knife Jig SVM-140 has been developed especially for the sharpening of long and flexible knives, like filleting knives.
This jig works in the same way as the Knife Jig SVM-45 but is wider. Its larger width, 140 mm, stabilizes a long and thin blade and gives more support. Of course it can also be used for larger knives with a more stable knife blade like chef's knives.
The jig rests on the Universal Support. The exact edge angle is set by rotating the adjustable stop or with the Micro Adjust on the Universal Support.
The Universal Support is placed vertically for grinding towards the edge.
SVM-00 Small Knife Holder
The Small Knife Holder SVM-00 from Tormek opens up the possibility to sharpen those really small knife blades, which up until now have been difficult to sharpen.
Normally small knives have been sharpened free-hand but every time it was a challenge to get a consistent shape and almost impossible to control the edge angle.The holder works together with the Tormek Knife Jig SVM-45.
You can sharpen knives of different shapes for whittling, chip carving and detail work, even folding pocket knives can be sharpened with perfect control.
Since it is the handle of the knife that is mounted in the SVM‑00 holder, there is really no limit to how small a blade you can sharpen.
SVX-150 Scissors JigGive your scissors a bite on the Tormek with the SVX-150 jig for scissors. It fits all sorts of scissors from household scissors to heavy garden shears. You can also sharpen pinking scissors that make zigzag cuts in cloth as well as portable electrical hand planer blades.The scissors are mounted in a holder, which supports freely on a support plate. The grinding angle can be set so that you exactly replicate the existing edge angle. One of the scissor blades, sometimes both of them, often have a slight convex shape. With the Tormek jig design, you follow the individual shape of each blade so that the sharpening runs smoothly. The rotation of the stone presses the scissor blade towards the support plate, so you can concentrate on moving the scissors across the stone.
SVA-170 Axe Jig
With the Tormek Axe Jig SVA-170 you will be surprised to see how sharp you can get an axe. The jig firmly supports the axe, and enable you to sharpen it with a constant edge angle.
The rotation of the stone presses the axe firmly into the jig and enhances the power from your hand, giving the edge a suitable grinding pressure onto the stone. You will not get any snags into the stone, which can easily occur if you grind free hand towards the grinding direction.When using a high-speed dry grinder, it is easy to burn the edge and destroy the axe, with Tormek there is no such risk, the water continuously cools the edge.
Straight or curved edges
Since the head of the axe is supported freely on the rubber lined stop you can follow the shape of the edge, straight or curved. A forestry hatchet has a curved edge while a carpenter’s axe can have an almost straight edge.
Edge angles to suit your work
Choose the edge angle that is best suited for your type of axe. An all-round axe for sport and leisure has a larger edge angle than a carpenter’s axe. A splitting axe must have an even larger edge angle.
You can choose to sharpen the carpenter’s axe asymmetrically with a larger grinding bevel on the left side (if you are right-handed). The axe will then cut more easily since the cutting force is closer to the cutting direction.
SVS-38 Short Tool Jig (SVS-32)
This little jig is designed for sharpening short woodcarving tools and the shortest chisels. Suitable for straight shanked tools, such as wood chisels, carving gouges and tools for power carvers.
The jig has two parallel flanges running on both sides of the Universal Support which ensures that the jig at all times – even when rotated – holds the tool square to the grindstone.
This is a great advantage, as you can continuously concentrate on how the edge touches the grindstone or the honing wheel without having to worry whether the jig is square to the stone.
Min length of tool 45 mm (1¾") at 20° edge angle.
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